Securing Assets that Incubate Success for the 501c Startup & Small Business.

What We Do & How It Works


"One Mans Trash is Another Mans Treasure"...the 501c Biz Incubator & its lead charity, the Economic Empowerment Foundation for Exempt Startups & Small Businesses have added property donations to its arsenal of resources to make ownership and sometimes, independence, a reality. FMVA is the Real Estate Donation program that directly secures real estate, surplus properties & land as donations that are in good condition to put in the hands of exempt entities who need them. FMVA also works to secure Federal and State Govt surplus of real estate & property assets, as well as properties Owners have found hard or impossible to sell. No publishable list will be compiled, though some searches will be done depending on location and volume relative to the market. Available properties will be published to our sister-site, Donating Real Estate. Interested parties will be notified but are responsible for keeping an eye out themselves. High demand is expected as Volunteers we'll do our best to meet all needs. Properties are DONATED "AS IS" and will be transferred as such WITHOUT exception, with no guarantees/warrantees implied, offered nor should such be expected.


Securing Properties is not automatic, some qualification and compliance is required on both ends of the process. Documenting jurisdictional requirements, validating tax exempt status & establishing fiscal sponsorship in order to accept is a big process that is ongoing. The Acquisition process and compliance has varied requirements. On this FairMrktValuedAsset site, we process Applications & Registrations for who will become our FMVA Awardee-Recipients. Our Sister-Site, "Donated Real Estate" focuses solely on processing and accepting real estate properties, land, publishing surplus property donations secured and where necessary, posting compliance regs summaries. Under some circumstances a Donated Property that happens to meet a specific or specialized criteria will have first right of refusal of a Requestor whose needs it appears to meet BEFORE it is published to our DRE site.

Click here to visit Donated Real-Estate


FMVA Awardee-Recipients either Register or Apply, both process have nominal non-refundable fees. Legally, donated properties must be accepted by a 501c. So, Apps are required when there's no IRS determination letter or a for-profit has a charitable program requiring dedicated space. Not there yet? No Problem, we're always expanding our fiscal sponsorship offerings to meet the needs of our Peers. Now you can apply to our Category 6: Property Donation Fiscal Sponsorship (Cat6-PDFS) so we can accept the donation on your behalf "UNTIL" you can complete you Registration & assume ownership as an IRS recognized 501c. Registration is for existing 501cs with Letter-in-hand, this process is regs & compliance. Transfer of Title/Deed is complete once all compliance obligations are met & approved by the appropriate Authorities. Then the property goes from EEF-501c to YOUR 501c!